Roger Swibold
I hear 30 is the new 20!!! For those 1st time reunion attenders, you'll be amazed at what a cool class we have. At every renuion I've attended (I missed the 5 year), I was pleasantly surprised to find that no one really played the "look what I've done with my life" game. People weren't so much interested in how successful you are, but more interested in HOW YOU'RE DOING ... as a person ... dealing with life. At any given table you'll see a cross section of our class: brainiac, cheer leader, theater hound, choir songbird, band geek, star athelete, lounge person, drill team dancer, shop stud, tormented artist, book worm, etc... all laughing together and having a great time. Our class ... our friends ... have done some amazing things, and some have gone through some pretty horrific tragedies (and some haven't survived). If you're able, I encourage you to come chat with your friends. You'll be shocked at how those 30 years will melt away.